Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Roof, AC, and Driveway are Finished!

The new roof is on...and I do not have a picture showing it off. It would be difficult to get one and, let's face it, it would be a boring picture. Being in Benson Camp as the roofers were removing old layers was anything but boring. It was pretty unnerving to look up and see way too much sky.

The AC is the one thing that made that hugest is now possible to be inside, working, without becoming a sweaty ball of filth.

This is our new heating and air conditioning unit. There will be a wall framed around it in the future, but for now they are the main feature of the front room. Gorgeous, isn't it?

I know that these pictures are not at all sexy, but I am over the moon with having AC. These pics are from the first day that Randy worked on it.

Here is a later picture taken of the hallway with my very sexy spiral ductwork visible at the top. And, yes, we are leaving the ductwork exposed.

This is taken from the beginning of the hallway, facing East. To the right is the door to the kitchen, and the plastic on the left, is the door to the office/guest bedroom. Randy also removed the old heating unit from this hallway.

And this is the view of the spiral ductwork and hallway from the end of the hallway looking West.
On the right is the master bedroom, and the first door on the left is one of the bathrooms. The second door on the left is the kitchen.

Now for the update on the driveway and garage door. Here's what it looked like when they knocked out bricks to reinstall a garage door:

It is interesting to see the original openings in the exposed brick. There are a number of windows and doors that have been bricked in. We still haven't figured out which part of the building was built first and where the later addition, (the front) started.

Here is what the new garage space looks like inside with the pile of rubble removed.

And finally, the driveway!
Here are Scotty and the crew in their adorable yellow boots, waiting for the cement truck:

And here they are creating my beautiful driveway:

And here is the finished project:


I went over there today and watered it twice so that it doesn't cure too quickly. This weekend is Benson Days and we are hoping to break it in then! Come on over and see it for yourself!

This brings you up to date with our project. If we could find our wireless router we'd have internet in the house...I think it's in one of our two pods. Getting inter webs set up is my next job.

Patrick's next job is making the shower more appealing. He has many pinterest ideas for the future, but for now we just need a basic shower. (Remember the name is Benson Camp)

To refresh your memory of the bathroom:

Here's the shower:

And while I'm here, this is the sink:

Hopefully we'll have some AFTER pictures to show very quickly...but I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you.

That brings you up to date with our project. Any time you feel like coming over and helping you are more than welcome! Consider us Omaha's Learning Annex. You can learn new skills! "Girls only like guys who have great skills." (Dynamite, Napoleon, 2004)

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