Sunday, October 30, 2016

No, we are not giving tours...

Our neighbors and passersby seem to think that we are doing something amazing inside. Yesterday a woman walking by with her dog yelled from across the street that we should give tours. She said that she is dying to see the inside. A while ago, a man driving by asked what our building was going to be. I said it was going to be my house. He said that he hoped it would be finished by Halloween.

I'm not sure what people think is going's not like we're Willie Wonka and this is the chocolate factory. In reality we are living in a construction zone and slowly but surely things get finished.

Steel beam installation start to finish

Last week and weekend was very productive: the steel beam and wood posts were installed in the front room! Here is a short summary of what happened-told mainly through pictures. 

Before the steel arrived:

Arts and crafts night:
The lags and washers that will secure the posts to the floor, and the beam to the posts and the wall were too shiny and new. We dipped them in gun bluing to give them a weathered look that blends in with the braces and steel. 

Here is one of the steel plates that will hold the wood post. These were made by Polynomial from Patrick's specifications. They are beautiful and crazy strong.  

Here is one of the posts in place. Those are hi-jacks next to the post. They used four jacks to lift the steel, and placed the posts underneath.

Here are pictures with the jacks in place, supporting the steel.

On Saturday, Mickey came over and used a grinder and welded the beam to the braces.

We even had a guest welder stop by and help us out...can't find pictures of him right now though.

And finally, pictures of the jacks out of the way. Ta dah:

Today Patrick lagged the steel plates to the floor and to the wall. The room feels huge! Next, we'll stain the 2 x 12s that are on top of the steel beam, and the posts.

Next big project: getting the garage door installed in the front room. Hopefully we can get that in this week. (fingers crossed!)

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