Wednesday, June 15, 2016

So, do we change the name of our blog?

Our building is NOT a W.O.W. building


Are we going to let information, facts they're called, change the name of our blog? In a nutshell, our building was the Benson Waterworks, then an ice house, it eventually was a mushroom growing warehouse, an American Legion clubhouse, and a church owned party spot before being rescued and dragged into living condition by Justin. (All of those descriptors above are close enough to the facts for me.)

So, the cornerstone of our building has Woodmen of the World on it because they helped raised money to fund the final addition to the building, not because it was a Woodmen of the World Lodge. We have now embraced the pumping station origins of the building, and will be using it as a jumping off point for renovations and decorating..hopefully not too pinteresty.

In case you haven't read the history, which is uber interesting, click here and spend a while learning about Benson Camp 288. (I'm still going to call it that, facts be damned.)

Waterworks-Benson, Nebraska

This picture was found by Miss Cassette, the author of She found it in a book she owned, Benson, Nebraska1887-1987. This is our sweet little building...with trees and a water works structures. Pretty cool!

And Justin just shared this picture in higher resolution from the Facebook page of the Benson Historical Society:


In this picture you can see that there are two different buildings, and there is space in the
middle of the two. This picture explains a lot about the quirkiness of the building; there are three separate buildings joined into one. Wow!

Let's check in on the progress of Benson Camp:

Power washing is looking good!


The front of the building is looking great, tuck pointing is moving right along in the midst of sweltering temps. Hopefully the new roof will start is scheduled for end of June. I'm also keeping my fingers crossed for Thrasher to squeeze us into their schedules-seems with all the rain we had they are very, very busy.

Soon to be our sweet little home...come on workers, let's get things moving!

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